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Bordeaux INP, a top research player in the region

Bordeaux INP's research strategy is part of a site policy it has pursued for over 15 years.

The research carried out at Bordeaux INP is closely linked to the Bordeaux and Nouvelle-Aquitaine site, through its 11 joint research laboratories with CNRS, INRA, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux Montaigne University and Arts et Métiers ParisTech.
The institute's research professors also collaborate with INRIA on 7 joint project teams.

Bordeaux INP is also a partner in many Laboratories of Excellence/clusters:

  • AMADEus (CBMN, ICMCB, IMS, I2M, ISM, LCPO): scientific and technological research in materials
  • TRAIL (IMB, ISM) ): interdisciplinary research in diagnostic imaging
  • SYSNUM (IMS, I2M, LABRI, IMB): digital sciences as a tool for certification
  • LAPHIA (I2M, IMS, ISM, ICMCB): innovative projects in the fields of lasers and photonics

and Facilities of Excellence:

  • ElorPrintTec: platform dedicated to organic electronics
  • Xyloforest : platform dedicated to cultivated forest systems - wood products & materials

Bordeaux INP strives to promote its Training - Research – Innovation continuum to earn national and international recognition on targeted social issues.

  • Geological resource management: circular economy of water
  • Bio-engineering of the future: advanced and biobased materials/Synthetic biology
  • Digital transformation: uses and hybridity/communications systems/simulation
  • Energy transition: eco-building/eco-friendly processes/bio-materials

The objective is to develop the institute's ability to respond to businesses' needs for training, scientific and technological expertise and innovation, in order to support sustainable economic and social development at the regional and national level.

A momentum led by excellence in research...

  • 91.6% of Bordeaux INP research professors are assigned to one of Bordeaux INP's joint research laboratories (with University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux Montaigne University, CNRS, lNRA and Arts et Métiers ParisTech).
  • nearly 200 PhD students supervised by Bordeaux INP faculty
  • En 2016, 45 brevets ont été déposés.
  • 47 patent applications filed in 2017
  • over 410 publications by Bordeaux INP research professors in 2015
  • over 12% of graduates continue their studies with a PhD

& part of international networks

Bordeaux INP is responsible for the French portion of the AQeau (Aquitaine Québec Water) and INAQ (Aquitaine Québec Institute of Nutrition) projects with Laval University in Québec. These projects will serve as a model for developing other partnerships to respond to the four development challenges facing society upon which Bordeaux INP has positioned itself.

  • Bordeaux INP is also involved in 6 international associated laboratories (LIA):

    • "OptiNutriBrain" : research in the field of nutrition and brain health
      France/Canada (Bordeaux INP/NutriNeuro, Laval University, INRA, University of Bordeaux)
    • "CNPA": Chiral nanostructures for photonic applications
      France/Japan (CNRS, Bordeaux INP, University of Bordeaux, University of Kumamoto, University of Kyoto).
    • "INFORMEL": Indo-French Formal Methods Lab
      France/India (Bordeaux INP/LaBRI, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Indian Institute of Science, University of Bordeaux)
    • "LIRCO": Research in Combinatorics
      France/Canada (Bordeaux INP/Labri, University of Québec in Montréal)
    • "LIASFMA": Sino-French International Associated Laboratory for Applied Mathematics
      France/China (Bordeaux INP/IMB, Fudan and Peking Universities)
    • "LUMAQ": Light, Material
      France/Canada (Bordeaux INP/ISM, INRS, Laval University, University of Bordeaux)
    • "NEXT PV": Solar cells
      France/Japan (Bordeaux INP/IMS/LCPO/ISM, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Bordeaux)

The LIAs are "laboratories without walls," associating a French laboratory with a laboratory in a foreign country to work on a project determined by both laboratories. The laboratories combine their human and material resources to carry out the project.

Drawing on the Europe working group formed as part of the IdEx Bordeaux programme1, Bordeaux INP research professors are strongly encouraged to participate in European H202062 projects.

1 With its partners on the Bordeaux campus, Bordeaux INP is directly involved in numerous projects as part of the "Investissements d’Avenir" (Investing in the Future) programme.
2 European Union Programme to fund research and innovation over the 2014-2020 period.


Stéphanie Clément
Scientific Advisor
05 56 84 60 12
