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Sport all year round, for everyone

A wide range of opportunities and events are organised year round by the Bordeaux INP Physical and Sport Activities Resource Centre (CRAPS) in association with the Inter-University Sports Department and the different schools' Sports Associations. A total of over 40 sports activities are offered on campus and are open to everyone (students and staff).

Sport à Bordeaux INP


  • Personal training

    Personal training allows students to practice one or several sports activities with supervision from physical education teachers or state-certified instructors without being assessed.

  • Independent practice

    Students may practice a number of sports independently (swimming, squash, tennis, weight training, badminton etc.) Find out more

  • Sports clubs

    Students may practice sports in clubs for competition, leisure, or occasional practice at events.


    Academic level with the schools' sports associations and National and International level within the Bordeaux INP sports association.


    Mainly in the evening and at weekends, activities are scheduled, organised and managed by second-year students (Volleyball, Badminton, Tennis, Table Tennis, Climbing, Basketball etc.)


    Throughout the academic year, the Student Sports Association organises outings (beach, bungee jumping, climbing, ski etc.) sports tournaments (humanitarian, inter-class etc.)
    Find out more

  • High and top-level sports

    Bordeaux INP gives high and top-level student athletes the opportunity to combine studies with intensive sports training so that they can achieve their dual objectives. Find out more

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CRAPS (Sports Center)
05 56 84 23 15
