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Supporting innovation by hosting companies and startups

With more than 30 companies and organisations hosted at the institute's schools, Bordeaux INP guarantees proximity with the socioeconomic world and plays a key role in shaping the region's economic and innovation landscape.

Structures hébergées et start-up

Over 30 companies and startups hosted at Bordeaux INP

Bordeaux INP's development policy is based on close relationships with the socio-economic world. By placing technology and innovation transfer at the core of its strategy, the institute affirms its scientific and technological expertise in a wide range of fields.

This is evidenced by the 30 companies and organisations hosted at Bordeaux INP schools, which benefit from the institute's many assets. Hosted organisations have access to innovative services and high-performance material resources. Bordeaux INP currently devotes nearly 6,000m² of space to technology transfer.

Close relationships with training, research and transfer activities

Immersed in the Bordeaux INP schools, hosted organisations benefit from a dynamic environment to help them succeed and develop. The schools intentionally combine the companies' activities with training and research. The aim is to make them part of the school's ecosystem, in keeping with the training programmes offered, so that they may contribute to teaching and research, and develop collaboration between the technical platforms or other hosted platforms.

It's a win-win relationship. Companies and organisations share their entrepreneurial experience with the institute's students and the institute provides companies with scientific and technological expertise.

