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2 Industrial Chairs, 1 Education Chair & 1 UNESCO Chair

Biotech Sanofi - ENSTBB
Education Chair

The Biotech Sanofi-ENSTBB chair helps develop a closer relationship and greater mutual understanding between its two partners: Sanofi, a leading global healthcare company, and ENSTBB, a prestigious biotechnologies engineering programme.
Combined insights from the industrial and academic sectors, in terms of scientific and technical expertise, economic issues, experience in "the field" and teaching methods, make for an enriched training programme and help develop high-level courses that provide future engineers with a better understanding of the socioeconomic world. The Chair helps both partners enhance their expertise and ensure a better response to specific recruitment needs.

Leader: Fondation Bordeaux Université
University Partners: ENSTBB - Bordeaux INP
Donor: Sanofi France

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Chimie et Auto-assemblage
Industrial Chair

This chair aims to accelerate and promote the development of chemistry to attain self-assembly systems for the controlled release of actives. There are very high demands and needs for ground-breaking technology for a wide range of applications for industries such as agricultural chemistry, industrial fluids, personal care and household products etc.

Leader: Fondation Bordeaux Université
University Partners: ENSCBP – Bordeaux INP / University of Bordeaux
Donor: Solvay

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Cyber Résilience des Infrastructures Numériques
Education Chair

The Biotech Sanofi-ENSTBB chair helps develop a closer relationship and greater mutual understanding between its two partners: Sanofi, a leading global healthcare company, and ENSTBB, a prestigious biotechnologies engineering programme.
Combined insights from the industrial and academic sectors, in terms of scientific and technical expertise, economic issues, experience in "the field" and teaching methods, make for an enriched training programme and help develop high-level courses that provide future engineers with a better understanding of the socioeconomic world. The Chair helps both partners enhance their expertise and ensure a better response to specific recruitment needs.

Leader: Fondation Bordeaux Université
University Partners: ENSTBB - Bordeaux INP
Donor: Sanofi France

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E2WP (Eco Engineering Wood Products)
Education Chair

The Biotech Sanofi-ENSTBB chair helps develop a closer relationship and greater mutual understanding between its two partners: Sanofi, a leading global healthcare company, and ENSTBB, a prestigious biotechnologies engineering programme.
Combined insights from the industrial and academic sectors, in terms of scientific and technical expertise, economic issues, experience in "the field" and teaching methods, make for an enriched training programme and help develop high-level courses that provide future engineers with a better understanding of the socioeconomic world. The Chair helps both partners enhance their expertise and ensure a better response to specific recruitment needs.

Leader: Fondation Bordeaux Université
University Partners: ENSTBB - Bordeaux INP
Donor: Sanofi France

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Éducation, Formation et Recherche en Adaptation au changement climatique

Created in June 2010, the UNESCO chair for education, training and research for sustainable development has been renewed for a period of four years. The chair is now located at ENSEGID - Bordeaux INP. The UNESCO "Education, training and research for sustainable development" Chair and the UNITWIN network affiliated with the chair aim to bring together the French-speaking academic world to work on developing more effective, visible policies, skills and tools for education, training, research and knowledge transfer relating to sustainable development.

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Énergie Senscan - Systèmes Énergétiques Complexes Soutenables par le Calcul Numérique
Chaire industrielle
Espace - Convergence des nouvelles technologies
Convergence des nouvelles technologies
IA Digne de Confiance
Education Chair

The Biotech Sanofi-ENSTBB chair helps develop a closer relationship and greater mutual understanding between its two partners: Sanofi, a leading global healthcare company, and ENSTBB, a prestigious biotechnologies engineering programme.
Combined insights from the industrial and academic sectors, in terms of scientific and technical expertise, economic issues, experience in "the field" and teaching methods, make for an enriched training programme and help develop high-level courses that provide future engineers with a better understanding of the socioeconomic world. The Chair helps both partners enhance their expertise and ensure a better response to specific recruitment needs.

Leader: Fondation Bordeaux Université
University Partners: ENSTBB - Bordeaux INP
Donor: Sanofi France

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Mobilité et Transports Intelligents
Education Chair

The Biotech Sanofi-ENSTBB chair helps develop a closer relationship and greater mutual understanding between its two partners: Sanofi, a leading global healthcare company, and ENSTBB, a prestigious biotechnologies engineering programme.
Combined insights from the industrial and academic sectors, in terms of scientific and technical expertise, economic issues, experience in "the field" and teaching methods, make for an enriched training programme and help develop high-level courses that provide future engineers with a better understanding of the socioeconomic world. The Chair helps both partners enhance their expertise and ensure a better response to specific recruitment needs.

Leader: Fondation Bordeaux Université
University Partners: ENSTBB - Bordeaux INP
Donor: Sanofi France

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