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Quality certification
As part of its commitment to continuous improvement, Bordeaux INP has implemented an ISO 9001 certified quality management system.
This approach provides each school with principles and methods to identify areas for continuous improvement and encourages communication and the sharing of good practices within the institute.
After an external audit carried out by an independent organisation, ENSCBP - Bordeaux INP, ENSEGID - Bordeaux INP, ENSEIRB-MATMECA - Bordeaux INP and ENSTBB - Bordeaux INP received 1SO 9001 certification for their training programmes. This certification also incorporates Bordeaux INP's General Services, which support its schools' missions.
This recognition guarantees that teaching-related activities and "support" activities are organised to respond to students' needs, as well as those of the socio-economic world and to the various parties involved.
Regular internal and external audits are carried out to ensure that these conditions are maintained over time.